September/October 2016 - Flooding of Murrumbidgee & Tumut Rivers

10:00am Monday 24th October 2016
11am Sunday 23rd October 2016
10am Saturday 22nd October 2016
6am Saturday 22nd October 2016 - Quick Update
3:30pm Friday 21st October 2016 - Quick Update
10:00am Friday 21st October 2016
10:00am Thursday 20th October 2016
10:00am Wednesday 19th October 2016
10:00am Tuesday 18th October 2016
1:00pm Monday 17th October 2016
10:00am Monday 17th October 2016
7:30am Monday 17th October 2016 - Quick Update
2:00pm Sunday 16th October 2016 - Quick Update
10:00am Sunday 16th October 2016
10:00am Saturday 15th October 2016
10:00am Friday 14th October 2016
5:00pm Thursday 13th October 2016
10:00am Thursday 13th October 2016

10am Monday 24th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 95.3% full and slowly dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 12,000 ML per day.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 1.91m and holding steady.
This is below the minor flood level of 2m. It is not expected to rise up an higher and over time will drop further.
We will no longer provide updates on the Tumut River for this flood event.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 98.4% and rising steadily.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 500 ML per day.
The Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai is below 4m and expected to stay that way.
We will also no longer provide updates on the Murrumbidgee River unless significant rises are predicted to occur.

11am Sunday 23rd October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 95.53% full and holding steady.
At 11am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 12,000 ML per day.
At 11am the Tumut River at Tumut was 1.95m and holding steady.
This is below the minor flood level (2m) We expect the Tumut River to sit at this level or slightly lower for the rest of today.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 97.71% full and rising.
At 11am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 500ML per day.
At 11am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.34m. We expect this to rise a little further before dropping back down to around 4m later tonight

10am Saturday 22nd October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 95.56% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 12,100 ML per day.
At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 1.98m and holding steady. We expect it to sit around this level today.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 96.55% full and rising.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 500 ML per day.

With severe thunderstorms in the northern parts of the catchment overnight we have seen Jugiong Creek and Yass River rise quickly to a moderate level. At 10am Jugiong Creek at Jugiong had 4000 ML per day flowing through it and was rising extremely quickly.
We expect it to rise to around 12,000 ML per day, maybe higher.

At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was around 4m. We expect it to sit at this level for most of today.
Sunday morning will see the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai rise but stay below the 5m mark.

6am Saturday 22nd October 2016


Overnight there has been severe thunderstorms around Harden, Jugiong, Yass and other areas to the north. This has seen a dramatic flow increase in the upstream gauges of Jugiong Ck. There is currently over 12,000ML racing down and the gauge is still rising. Currently at Jugiong there is 400ML flowing past the Jugiong Bridge. We expect to see the Jugiong Creek there rise very quickly in a few hours. This will see the Murrumbidgee River down stream of Jugiong start to rise as well.

There are similar flows racing down the Yass River, these flows however will be held back by Burrinjuck Dam at this stage. Burrinjuck Dam at 6am continues to release water at around 500 ML per day.

3:30pm Friday 21st October 2016


At around 11am Blowering Dam started lowering water releases.
At 3:30pm Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 13,700 ML per day (down from 15,600 ML per day) and are continuing to drop their water releases.
We expect the Tumut River at Tumut to drop down to 2m (which is right on the minor flood level) sometime after dinner time tonight.
We will update you further when becomes more clear how far down releases will drop.
Nimbo Creek Outlet and Brungle Bridge will see the river there start to drop mid morning tomorrow depending on what rain falls overnight.

10am Friday 21st October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 95.7% full and holding steady.
At 10am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 15,600 ML per day.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.27m and holding steady at around this level. This is above the minor flood level of 2.0m. We expect it to sit at this level for most of today.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 95.8% full and slowly rising.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam continues to release water at around the minimum rate of 500 ML per day.

10am Thursday 20th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 9am Blowering Dam was 95.8% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 15,300 ML per day.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.27m after peaking at 2.35m yesterday.
This is above the minor flood level of 2.0m. We expect it to slowly drop over the next 6 hrs.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 95.4% full and rising.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam continues to release water at around the minimum rate of 500 ML per day.

At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.14m and slowly dropping. It will continue to do so throughout today.

We will no longer provide updates on the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai.
We will let you know if the river height is expected to change significantly at Gundagai.

10am Wednesday 19th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 9am Blowering Dam was 96.3% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam has increased water releases back up to around the rate of 16,000 ML per day.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.34m (which is above minor flood level).
We expect it to sit between 2.30m & 2.4m over the next 6 hrs.

This will see River St & Tumut Plains Rd with water over it.

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet & also at Brungle Bridge is currently slowly rising back up after dropping a little yesterday. We expect to see the Tumut River there to go back up to the flooding levels seen last week.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 94.9% full and rising.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam continues to release water at around the minimum rate of 500 ML per day.

At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.23m and slowly dropping. It will continue to do so throughout today.

Currently the Morleys Creek Otway St causeway remains closed.

10am Tuesday 18th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 96.79% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam has increased water releases back up to around the rate of 15,000 ML per day.This will continue to increase to around 17,000 ML per day today.

At 8am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.24m (which is above minor flood level). We expect it to rise to between 2.30m & 2.4m later this afternoon. This will see River St & Tumut Plains Rd with water over it again along with the chance of East Blowering Rd having some too.

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet & also at Brungle Bridge is currently dropping. We expect to see the Tumut River there start to rise later tonight back up to the flooding levels seen last week.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 94.36% full and rising.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam continues to release water at around the minimum rate of 500 ML per day.

At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.39m and slowly dropping. It will continue to do so throughout today.

Currently Morleys Creek Otway St causeway remains closed.
The Mundarlo Bridge near Wantabadgary was opened to vehicles yesterday.

1pm Monday 17th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

The Goobarragandra River apprears to have peaked at Laclamac and is dropping.

At 2pm Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 13,000 ML per day. At 2pm the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.32m (which is above minor flood level) and holding steady. We expect it to sit between 2.30m and 2.40m for the afternoon which is close to the levels is has been at over the last week

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet is holding steady after dropping in level early this morning, we expect to see the river at Nimbo Creek Outlet start to rise again later this afternoon to reach where it was yesterday perhaps even higher.

The Tumut River at Brungle Bridge rose briefly this morning due to rising creeks and streams. It has dropped down to where it was. It may drop alittle more before rising again later this afternoon.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 2pm Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 500 ML per day which is the minimum release amount.
At 1pm the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.52m and dropping very slowly. We expect it to stay at this level over the next 6hrs. It may rise slightly but not by too much.

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10am Monday 17th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

There has been an average rainfall of around 20mm in the Tumut Valley overnight. There is also a little more rain forecast throughout today. Most streams and creeks has risen a little but are not causing any concern. The main tributary rising significantly is the Goobarragandra River. As this rises Blowering Dam continues to lower water releases with the intention of keeping the Tumut River at Tumut at 2.4m or below. This is above minor flood level and similar to the flooding that has been occurring over the last week.

At 10am Blowering Dam was 97.2% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam has lowered water releases to around the rate of 13,200 ML per day.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.28m (which is above minor flood level) and rising which means it is currently flowing at around the rate of 17,700 ML per day.We expect it to rise to 3.4m today.

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet started dropping this morning as a result of lower water releases yesterday from Blowering Dam, however with small rises in upstream creeks & streams along with the Tumut River rising again at Tumut, we expect to see the river at Nimbo Creek Outlet start to rise again over the next few hours to reach where it was yesterday perhaps even higher.

At 10am the Tumut River at Brungle Bridge has rising slowly due to water coming in from rising creeks and streams. We expect the rising river to taper off as the lower flows come down the Tumut River from Nimbo Creek outlet before rising again after lunch.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

We have seen some rainfall in the lower catchment areas with streams and creeks rising a little. At this stage they are not expected to impact the Murrumbidgee River over the next 6hrs. We will keep an eye on the water levels and give another update after lunch.

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 93.8% full and rising slowly.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 1,400 ML per day and decreasing.
At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.56m and holding steady. We expect it to stay at this level over the next 6hrs. It may rise slightly but not by too much. At this level the Morleys Creek Otway St causeway remains closed but no other roads should be affected by water. We expect the water to be below Mundarlo Bridge near Wantabadgary however will need to wait to hear from council regarding vehicle use.

Next update will be around 1pm.

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7:30am QUICK UPDATE - Monday 17th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

An average of 20mm has fallen in the Tumut River Valley. The Bureau of Meteorology warn landowners to expect the Tumut River at Tumut to rise back up to around 2.4m by 10am this morning. This is a similar level to what it was at over the weekend.

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2pm Quick Update - Sunday 16th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 12pm Blowering Dam started lowering water releases with the intention of going down to a rate of around 14,000 ML per day. As a result we expect the Tumut River to start lowering late this afternoon and go down to around 2.0m by mid to late tonight. This will see the Tumut River at Tumut sitting just on the minor flood level (2.0m).

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet will hold steady and then start to go down tomorrow morning, with the Tumut River at Brungle Bridge holding steady and starting to go down around lunchtime Monday.

This may change depending on rainfall received late this afternoon and overnight.

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10am Sunday 16th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 97.74% full and dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam was continuing to release water at around the rate of 17,000 ML per day.
At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was holding steady at 2.38m (above minor flood level) and will do so for most of today.
The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet and Brungle Bridge is also holding steady.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 93.32% full and rising very slowly.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam has lowered water releases so that it is releasing water at around the rate of 2,000 ML per day.
At 10am the Murrumbidgee River was 4.64m and holding steady. We expect it to sit around this level over the next 24hrs.

Next update will be after 10am on Monday unless tonights rainfall has an impact on river heights.

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10am Saturday 15th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 98.34% full and dropping steadily.
At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.40m and holding steady.
The Tumut River at Tumut is expected to remain at this level over coming days.
The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek Outlet and Brungle Bridge is holding steady and will remain so over coming days as well.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 93.17% and rising very slowly.
At 10am Burrijuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 5,000 ML per day.
At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 4.86m and falling.
We expect the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai to sit somewhere between 4.65m and 4.85m over next 24hrs.

Next update Sunday 10am

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10am Friday 14th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 99.1% full and slowly dropping.
At 10am Blowering Dam was continuing to release water at around the rate of 17,000 ML per day and the releases will stay around this amount for the coming days.

At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was holding steady above the minor flood level at 2.39m which is around the rate of 19,100 ML per day. The following roads will continue to have water on them; Tumut Plains Rd, River St & East Blowering Rd. The old Town Bridge also remains closed to pedestrians.

The flood plain from Blowering Dam down through Brungle area to Tarrabandra are experiencing flooding in some spots.

At 10am the Tumut River at Nimbo Creek Outlet and Brungle Bridge have reached the peak level and are holding steady at around the level they will stay at for the coming days.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was 93.0% full and dropping very slowly.
At 10am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 8000 ML per day. WaterNSW have announced this will drop this morning to around 5,000 ML per day.
At 10am the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was well below minor flood level at 5.28m and slowly dropping. This is around the rate of 33,900 ML per day. We expect the Murrumbidgee River to drop down to below 5m over the next 24 hrs.

Next update Saturday after 10am

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5pm Thursday 13th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 5pm Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 17,100 ML per day. The releases are expected to stay around this level over the next few days.

At 5pm the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.41m and holding steady.
The Tumut River has been at this height for most of today and will stay at, or slightly below, this level over coming days. This has caused flooding of some properties along the Tumut River flood plains.

The Tumut River at Nimbo Creek outlet has been rising this afternoon but appears to be peaking. The Tumut River at Brungle Bridge is still rising, it will start to hold steady later tonight.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 5pm, after lowering water releases throughout the day, Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 8,000 ML per day.

At 5pm the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai was 5.45m. Over the next 24 hours we will start to see this drop down even further.

Next update will be around 10am tomorrow.

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10am Thursday 13th October 2016

Tumut River Valley

At 10am Blowering Dam was 99.8% and dropping slowly.
At 10am Blowering Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 17,300 ML per day.
At 10am the Tumut River at Tumut was 2.40m and holding steady. We expect it to sit at around this level for the next 6 hours. This is slightly higher then last weekend. While it does not seem much, the extra 5cm of height has put water in places on the flood plain that it did not go last weekend. Land and stock holders in the following areas will be experiencing flooding a little bit more then last weekend.
  • East Blowering
  • West Blowering
  • Tumut Plains
  • Little River
  • Rural land adjacent to Tumut town.
  • Gocup Farms
  • Quidong
  • Cockatoo Road area
  • Nimbo
  • Brungle
  • Darbalara
  • Tarabandara

At 10am the the Tumut River at Nimbo Creek Outlet and Brungle Bridge was rising.
We expect it to reach similar levels there to last weekend possibly a little bit higher by lunchtime.

Murrumbidgee River Valley

At 6am Burrinjck Dam was 93.1% and dropping.
At 6am Burrinjuck Dam was releasing water at around the rate of 14,500 ML per day.

At 6am the Murrumbidgee River was 5.60m and slowly dropping. We expect the Murrumbidgee River at Gundagai to sit between 5.50m to 5.60m over the next 6 hrs before starting to very slowly rise this afternoon.

Next update after 5pm unless things change significantly.

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